Nov 17, 2020

S1. E6. Twelfth Day

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

Nov. 18, 2020


The genre-bending violin and harp duo Twelfth Day joins us to discuss their work weaving the Scottish folk and Western classical traditions, songwriting, infusing their music with other stylistic influences, their collaborations with artists Québec to Brazil to Malawi to Mongolia, the album and EP recording process, their Routes to Roots project, writing business plans and grants, and writing music that makes you think.


Why limit yourself to a label? That’s the mantra of Twelfth Day, the duo that has been challenging its broad spectrum of listeners with its genre-bending music for almost a decade. Though Twelfth Day wear their rich and varied experience with pride – their folk roots, their classical training – they are more than a simple product, an exponent of their practice. It is their inherent curiosity, their need to understand through experimentation, that compels them to reach for new ways and means. It results in music that combines their technical proficiency and deep knowledge of their instruments with their desire to make soulful, meaningful and intuitive music, that you would expect from musicians who have grown up learning music by ear; passing, trading and improvising with musicians from other genres, other cultures.


  • Additional Resources:

- Twelfth Day's Podcast: Figuring Out How to Be at Home

- Twelfth Day's Album: Cracks in the Room

- Twelfth Day's Patreon
